Cabal 2 pet slot extender

By Mark Zuckerberg

Pet Slot Extender Code: Not enough stat to use the item.Re: CABAL X-New Pet Slot. still have this problem, can someone tell me which file do I need to look for that problem? I will just compare it into default files since I am still using Dexter's release, thanks if possible

Pets - Official Cabal Wiki Activated pets are equipped by moving them to the pet equip slot. You can equip up to 2 pets simultaneously if you purchase a Pet Slot Extender from the cash shop. Only the attributed of the pet in the equipped slot will benefit your character. Cabal 2 Pet slot tutorial - YouTube Cabal 2 Pet slot tutorial. Cabal 2 Pet slot tutorial. Skip navigation Sign in. Search. ... CABAL Online (EU) - Mercury - Slot Extender (Highest) Crafting #3 and #4 - Thear - Duration: 2:06. Slot Extender - Cabal Online Revealed - Google Sites Slot Extender is rare item which can make your items really much more powerful. If used on item, it will create another empty force slot and improve those that already exist in item. Extended item becomes character bound and thus you cannot trade it or store it. Pets - Cabal Online Revealed - Google Sites

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Two Slot Extender (Highest) crafts with a good result! lNinjii enjoy your SEHH! Want to try some free crafts as well?Cabal 2 pet slot extender›Kupi.czPet center leták 1. strana 1. – 31. 5. 2019Pet center leták 2. strana 1. – 31. 5. 2019Pet center leták 3. strana 1. – 31. 5. 2019Zobrazit celĂ˝ leták â€ş Cabal online Creating 80/14 Redosm greatsword +15 [guide… Hmm, I tried, and succeed! what i payed in total: 1.8kkk for the GreatSword 1.5kkk for the Slot extender 350kk for scrolls and slotting…Cabal Online (EU) - Mercury - 10x Slot Extender (Highest…5:40youtube.comPĹ™ed 2 lety18 tis. zhlĂ©dnutĂ­For more Cabal Content like streams, drops and updates. Join my discord server: https://disc… Bit of an older video.First time to open Chaos Box Extender Highest (Cabal Europe…1:25youtube.comPĹ™ed 7 lety48 tis. zhlĂ©dnutĂ­I invested all my alz to buy vouchers. Luckily, I managed to collect enough vouchers to buy 3 Chaos Box Extenders.Cabal Online EU - Killux Drop Compilation Vol. 1 - YouTube Online - 22x Slot Extender High Craft - DĂ©lka: 5:14. Xami2000 126 244 zhlĂ©dnutĂ­ Cabal online slot extender low drop / Tigers realm 2 slots

Pet Slot Extender; Description: Allows you to to equip an additional pet. The pet in the extended slot only gains Pet EXP it does not affect the stats of your character.

— Cabal 2 Pet slot tutorial — YouTube Cabal Online: Slot Extender High Craft and Boot Extending — Duration: 3:20. tomaboy21 96,987 views. Cabal – Monster drop list 2 [Lvl 65~Lv80] - Gaming Tips Osmium, Slot Extender (Medium) Awesome drop : ASTRAL BIKE CARD : BLUE. Undead Ground (Lv80 Abv). Lion Zombie/Lihorn Zombie Lv 91. Cores - Official Cabal Wiki

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Cabal Ph Slot Extender Drop. Astral bike blue colorsEpic Bike can be crafted with temporary craft formula cards only. Craft success .. Will, HP, 100, 125, 150, Astral Bike – Blue (2 slots) +7 or above - … Cabal Ph Slot Extender High Drop -